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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript is original that have not been published and is not under review in any other publication.
  • The submitted manuscript does not include the author's name, institution and email address.
  • In case the author is not a native speaker of the language of the paper, native check has been carried out before submission.
  • Length is below 60.000 n in case of papers.
  • Length is below 10.000 n in case of book reviews.
  • The text only includes citations (in translation or in the original) with proper reference to the source including citations from the publications of the author.
  • Formatting follows the stylesheet of the Journal with particular attention to notes and the reference list.
  • The text includes tables and graphic elements the inclusion of which has been approved by the owner of their rights or can be found in the public domain on the internet.
  • Entries in the reference list include the DOI identifier whenever available.
  • The file format is .doc(x) or .rtf.
  • An abstract between 2000 and 2500 n in length, as well as 8-10 keywords are attached to the paper.

Author Guidelines

Journal of East Asian Cultures, the official periodical of the Institute of East Asian Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) is publishing papers in Hungarian or English examining the cultures of Eeast Asia. Articles are welcomed through the portal's submission system (see above) or at the e-mail address:

January 2025 – deadline of submission: 31st May 2024

Authors are not charged any publication fees.

The Journal only accepts original manuscripts based on the author's own research in accordance with the standards of acknowledging and referring to other works, that has not been published in any other publication (digital or printed) and is not submitted to any other journal (details in the Declaration of Ethics).

Before submitting the article, it is important to review the text of the manuscript in terms of grammar and spelling, as well as to check the bibliographic data and references. Texts must be submitted to the editorial office in doc(x) or rtf format.

The maximum length of papers is 60.000 n. The maximum length of book reviews is 10.000 n. Consultation with the editors is required in case the text exceeds these limits.

Papers must include an abstract that is strictly between 2000 and 2500 n in length, as well as 8-10 keywords.
The abstract should
- provide a detailed introduction of the paper's topic;
- outline the methodological framework;
- point to the novelty of the examination and how it contributes to international researches on the topic;
- includes the respective keywords (i.e., keywords appear also in the abstract, not only in the separate list).

The style sheet of the Journal of East Asian Studies is  available under Style Sheet.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

More on copyright, licencing and archiving HERE.

No publishing fees
Following a publication policy based on the principle of equity, the Journal of East Asian Cultures does not charge any article processing, submission or publication charges. All articles published in the journal can be accessed free of charge immediately after their publication.