Megjelent 2020-03-30
- kínai buddhizmus,
- Udumbarika-sutta,
- aszkézis,
- Nigrodha
Hogyan kell idézni
Kósa, G. (2020). Az aszkézis módjai az Udumbarika-sutta három kínai fordításában. Távol-Keleti Tanulmányok, 11(2019/1), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.38144/TKT.2019.1.1
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Az Udumbarika-sutta a Páli kánon Dīghanikāya egységének 25. szövege. E páli suttának három kínai párhuzamos szövege létezik: 1. Youtanpoluo jing 優曇婆邏經 [T01n0026] (4. sz.); 2. Santuona jing 散陀那經 [T01n0001p0047a17–49b25] (5. sz.); 3. Nijutuo fanzhi jing 尼拘陀梵志經 [T01n0011p0223a09–p0223b28] (10. sz.). Jelen tanulmányban ezt a három kínai változatot hasonlítom őket, hogy bemutassam a bennük található aszketikus gyakorlatok különféle listáit.
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- Anālayo 2017. „The ‘School Affiliation’ of the Madhyama-āgama”. In: Dhammadinnā (ed.) Research on the Madhyama-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 55–76.
- Choong, Mun-keat 2005. „The importance of Pali-Chinese comparison in the study of Pali suttas”. Khthonios: A Journal for the Study of Religion (Queensland Society for the Study of Religion) II/2: 19–26.
- Cone, Margaret 2001. A Dictionary of Pāli. Vols. I–II. Oxford: The Pali Text Society.
- Hartmann, Jens-Uwe 2014. „The Dīrgha-āgama of the (Mūla-)Sarvāstivādins: What was the Purpose of this Collection?”. In: Dhammadinnā (ed.) Research on the Dīrgha-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 135–166.
- Karashima, Seishi 2017. „The Underlying Language of the Chinese Translation of the Madhyama-āgama”. In: Dhammadinnā (ed.) Research on the Madhyama-āgama. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 197–207.
- McGovern, Nathan 2019. The Snake and the Mongoose. The Emergence of Identity in Early Indian Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780190640798.003.0002
- Monier-Williams, Monier [rev. by E. Leumann, C. Cappeller et al.] 1899. A Sanskrit-English Dictionary: Etymologically and Philologically Arranged with Special Reference to Cognate Indo-European languages. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Rhys Davids, C. A. F. – Stede, William 1921-25 [2009]: Pali–English Dictionary. Chipstead: Pali Text Society.
- Strong, John 2018. Relics of the Buddha. Princeton: Princeton University Press.