Action Research in Law Enforcement Higher Education: Reflections and an Evaluation of a Course
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law enforcement education, action research, policing, training-like courses

How to Cite

Fekete, M., Bajnok, A., & Hegedűs, J. (2023). Action Research in Law Enforcement Higher Education: Reflections and an Evaluation of a Course. Education Sciences | Education – Research – Innovation, 11(2), 20–31.


The constant revision of subjects taught and methods used in law enforcement higher education is as essential as in regular higher education systems. From our point of view, modern policing requires modern education. By emphasizing a human-centered approach in policing, the substitution of authoritarian and paramilitary styles becomes a possibility, as well as the service of society in a more wholesome and effective manner (Blumberg, 2019). This present study is inspired by the reflective nature of the authors when teaching the 60-hour-long course called Social and Communication Knowledge. We are going to share our experiences when planning and executing the course. This paper offers a summary and evaluation of the subject, highlighting possible future changes and focus points in teaching law enforcement personnel.
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