The effect of translanguaging pedagogical orientation on school success

The effect of translanguaging pedagogical orientation on school success


  • János Imre Heltai Károli Gáspár Református Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország
  • Bernadett Jani-Demetriou Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, Magyarország



Romani, translanguaging, school success, measure


Although translanguaging is a key concept in contemporary sociolinguistics, there have been only few attempts for its empirical investigation. This study introduces the language pedagogical program Translanguaging classroom communication and effective learning organization in Tiszavasvari and the results of the related tests. The aim of the program is to increase the school success of bilingual Romani children. Results show that the application of translanguaging as a pedagogical orientation has a measurable positive effect on the children′s general linguistic competences and also on competences linked to particular languages. Those first grade students whose education contained more translanguaging not only had better results both in Romani and Hungarian text comprehension and text creation, but also spoke easier in the language of instruction at school. Another important result of the tests is that children whose language socialization at home follows both utterance modes of the family performed better in the test at the beginning of school compared to children whose language socialization was linked more to Hungarian, the language of the majority—with the intention to fulfil the expectations of society.



2019. 03. 31.


