„How shall I say?” Developmental language disorder and its effect on development

„How shall I say?” Developmental language disorder and its effect on development


  • Bence Kas Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Budapest, Magyarország; Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Budapest, Magyarország
  • Ágnes Lukács Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország; MTA-BME Lendület Nyelvelsajátítás Kutatócsoport, Budapest, Magyarország




developmental language disorder, learning disorder, first language pedagogy


Developmental language disorder is a hidden developmental disorder detected in difficulties in first language acquisition, in the use of first language in speech and writing. This disorder concerns 7% of the children, with most children it also remains in the adulthood and it has a long-term effect on development due to their restricted social interaction and verbal learning. Informing parents and experts, the early discovery of the disorder, targeted speech therapy, and the supporting family and pedagogical environment all play an important role in the support of children concerned. This study introduces the phenomenon of developmental language disorder, the early signs, the most typical symptoms, and the main reasons of the formation of the disorder. It also discusses problems arising from its hidden nature, the challenges on how to identify the disorder, and the typical longer-term consequences. It discusses one by one the fundamental steps of logopaedic services, the observation criteria applicable at school, and the bases of supporting strategies.



2020. 09. 30.


