Multiple intelligences in the practice of learning spelling
multiple intelligences, spelling, differentiationAbstract
According to Howard Gardner’s high-impact theory, verbal-linguistic and logical-mathematical skills can not only be measured by IQ tests: there are visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, naturalistic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences, too. This is less valued in the traditional school system and less used in the process of learning. Ideas presented in this study provide support to students to learn and practice a given writing mode or spelling rule in their own way, based on their own interest and talent. Different versions of the exercises make it possible to be used in various grades. This collection can be used as a supplementary part for any learning materials—unchanged, following the devised steps, tables and texts. Alternatively, it can be developed further by anyone based on their mood, possibilities, and creativity or according to the needs of the group.