Journal Description

Research Articles

Editors: Magdolna Chrappán – Krisztina Czető – Magdolna Kimmel

One of the most important aims of Teacher Education and Learning is to provide an opportunity for professionals to present their current research results and thus to promote and enhance the development of the teacher education profession. The Editors of the journal strongly believe that knowledge sharing can support cooperation, professional thinking, and foster inspiration. In line with this mission, this section of Teacher Education and Learning publishes scholarly articles on teacher education and encourages submissions of research articles of both theoretical and empirical research that present the current trends of the field. Articles that take a historical perspective are also welcome, as well as articles analysing international trends which may have an impact on Hungarian teacher education. Submission of an article to Teacher Education and Learning implies that it has not been published previously nor is it simultaneously under consideration at another journal for publication.  

Professional Learning Communities

Editors: Sándor Lénárd – Judit Podráczky

The journal’s mission is to establish a strong connection between educational research and practice by involving the readers in its creation; therefore, in this section Teacher Education and Learning publishes essays and short articles about innovations in teacher education, descriptions of experiences and of on-going research. We also aim to provide a forum for practising teachers so that they can share their best practices and innovations that might have a direct impact on the practice of pre-service or in-service teacher education. In short, in this section our journal publishes articles deeply connected to the practice of teacher education and learning.


Editors: Nedda Kolosai – Anett Schlichter-Takács

This section of Teacher Education and Learning is devoted to honouring outstanding teachers. Taking a biographical perspective, the journal publishes interviews, reminiscences in this section, and through them it aims to portray those significant persons whose professional activities have had a lasting impact on primary-, secondary- or higher education in Hungary. This section welcomes submissions of interviews with such professionals, as well as essays, short articles, analysing their impact and the traditions that they have established.



Editors: Erika Kopp – Judit Orgoványi-Gajdos

This section publishes critical analyses of current publications, conferences or other professional forums on teacher education, teacher learning and continuous professional development, with a view to orientate the stakeholders in teacher education. In line with this mission, the section welcomes reviews of print or digital publications, professional websites, pedagogical innovations, research reports or conferences.


Editors: Beatrix Fűzi – László Horváth

The section, ‘Discussions’, provides an opportunity for conducting a professional dialogue on the current issues of teacher education. The editors of the section encourage the submission of scholarly, objective, short essays, professional reflections on the currently hotly debated, controversial topics of teacher education and professional development and learning. The Editors’ aim is to provide space for discussing topics from different perspectives, therefore reflections on previously published articles are also welcome.