Pedagógusok pályaképe, a tanárképzéssel való elégedettségük és nehézségeik
The following survey study was done by practicing teachers about the characteristics and requirements of the educator profession and their opinion and experiences on teacher training. The study represents the results of 241 questioners, filled out by teachers from kindergarten, elementary and from high school. It presents the most important roles of teachers, the necessary personality characteristics, and to what extent it is possible to develop them. We studied three main questions about the teacher training: how much the needed characteristics were developed during the training, to what extent were the students trained for the challenges they will encounter as teachers, and finally, the efficiency of the different elements of their
training. The main difficulties perceived were how to deal with behaviour and learning problems of pupils, how to influence the personality of kids out of lessons and to reach inner balance and empathy of the teachers themselves. It is expressed that the most effective forms of the training were the interactive and practiceoriented ones.
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