Oktatás koronavírus idején. Tanárszakos hallgatók véleménye a távolléti oktatás időszakáról


  • András Buda Debreceni Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar




IKT, COVID-19, tanárszakos hallgatók, tapasztalatok, távolléti oktatás


The appearance of the Coronavirus, fundamentally changed the process of permanent digitisation. Employees of public education had to retool to distant teaching in a very short time, but institutions of higher education, similarly, had a mere couple of days to develop new content and methods.
In our study, with the help of an online questionnaire consisting of both openended and closed-ended questions, we accumulated the opinions and experiences of education majors of the University of Debrecen upon their completion of the period of distant teaching. 144 students responded to our questions. The study shows, through a more detailed presentation of findings, how successful the switch was according to the students, which were the most characteristic problems of this new form of education and which are those elements that can improve traditional attendance learning.

Author Biography

András Buda, Debreceni Egyetem, Bölcsészettudományi Kar

Habilitált adjunktus




How to Cite

Buda, A. (2020). Oktatás koronavírus idején. Tanárszakos hallgatók véleménye a távolléti oktatás időszakáról. Teacher Education and Learning, 19(1-2), 61–86. https://doi.org/10.37205/TEL-hun.2020.1-2.04



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