Pillanatképek a 150 éves állami tanítóképzésről – a „budai képző” emlékei





State Primary School Teacher Education, College in Buda, József Eötvös, memorials, traditions, renewal, appreciation


At the initiative of Minister of Religion and Education, József Eötvös, started operating in the autumn of 1869 the first Hungarian state teacher education institute: the “College of Buda”, the predecessor institution of the Faculty Primary and Pre-School Education of ELTE.

The documents, albums, yearbooks, press reports, photographs collected during the 150 years of the College in Buda activities have captured festive moments, eventfull everyday life, eminent teachers and typical locations. A review of old newspaper pages, manuscripts, printed materials and many photographs seems to confirm that changes in slogans, externalities, and symbols have not changed the basic principles of education that expressed by József Eötvös.

In the midst of changing power relations, the College in Buda has always honoured his traditions, the work of his knowledgeable teachers, it has hosted arts, culture, and it has been at the forefront of renewing teacher education. The quality of Hungarian primary-school teacher education is demonstrated by the fact that in fourth graders perform well in international surveys of reading literacy repeated in the every five years since 2001, similarly to mathematical and science surveys that are repeated every four years.


Author Biography

Katalin Demeter, Főiskolai tanár, Eötvös Lóránd Tudományegyetem, Tanító- és Óvóképző Kar






How to Cite

Demeter, K. (2019). Pillanatképek a 150 éves állami tanítóképzésről – a „budai képző” emlékei. Teacher Education and Learning, 18, 107–122. https://doi.org/10.37205/TEL-hun.2019.ksz.08



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