Archiving policy

The journal ‘Teacher Education and Learning’, which has a history of almost fifty years, has been one of the leading journals in the field of education in Hungary for decades. Its primary aim is to provide a professional and informative forum for teacher educators and to provide them with publication opportunities. It publishes articles on teacher education and, more broadly, on the professional learning of teachers in its various sections (Research Articles, Professional Learning Communities, Portraits, Reviews, Discussions).

The authors of the journal ‘Teacher Education and Learning’ do not receive any remuneration or honoraria under any legal title for the publication of scientific and professional articles. The journal does not charge article processing charges (APC) or article submission charges (ASC).

Published four times a year, this scientific peer-reviewed journal follows and applies the open instant access approach.

Publications submitted to the Editorial Office of ‘Teacher Education and Learning’ – after being peer-reviewed and accepted for publication ­- are Open Access publications published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Thus they may be freely used, shared and republished in any medium under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license, provided the original author, the place of publication and the link to the CC License are credited.

Once an article is published in pdf format, the journal ‘Teacher Education and Learning’ archives and indexes the publisher's version of the article: 

The journal is included in the list of scientific and peer-reviewed journals approved by the Scientific Committee for Pedagogy II of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliography) ID: 1295668, 

MTMT (Hungarian Scientific Bibliography)

The journal ‘Teacher Education and Learning’ is registered by the NMHH (National Media and Infocommunications Authority).