From Eger to Rio, and from Rio to Bratislava? In memory of Archduchess Maria Leopoldina Habsburg, Princess Royal of Hungary, Empress of Brazil, and in commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the independence of Brazil (1822–2022)
Habsburg Mária Leopoldina főhercegnő, magyar királyi hercegnő, brazil császárné emlékére és a független Brazília 200 éves évfordulójának tiszteletére (1822–2022)
Although Hungary was never part of the Iberosfera, thanks to the Habsburg dynasty, there existed a special historical relationship between them during centuries. It is a matter of honor to research and explore this connection between Hungary and the Lusophony. As we can see, there was a direct connection between the Napoleonic Wars, the pro Habsburg attitude of the Hungarian nation, and the independence of Brazil through the person of Archduchess Leopoldina, Royal Princess of Hungary and Empress consort of Brazil, who played a key role in the process. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the independence of Brazil, we should commemorate with dignity the Archduchess Leopol dina, the common hero of the Brazilian and Hungarian nations.
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