
Gabriella Baska
I am a habilitated associate professor at ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology's Institute of Education and a Research Group on Historical, Theoretical and Comparative Pedagogy member. My main area of research is public education in the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy, public educators' social standing and everyday life, and the history of the educator profession's prestige. Other periods also interest me, especially the propaganda of the dictatorial education system after World War II. Regarding research methodology, I am interested in discourse analysis and metaphor research within the qualitative paradigm. As a university professor, I teach Pedagogy BA, Educational Science MA, and Educational Science Doctoral courses. I have been a part of the editorial staff of Education Sciences: Education – Research – Innovation since its founding, previously as a copy editor, and since 2020, I have been the editor-in-chief.

Krisztina Czető

I graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2009 with a degree as a teacher of English language and literature and pedagogy. In 2019, I received my Ph.D. in educational sciences. I am an assistant professor at the Institute of Education in ELTE, Faculty of Education and Psychology. Along with my academic role, I am also a section editor at the Education Sciences: Education - Research - Innovation. My research focuses on understanding students' perspectives and attitudes towards school. I am also interested in studying the changes in childhood and exploring academic attitudes and commitment.

Orsolya Endrődy

My name is Orsolya Endrődy. I am an assistant professor at the Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education in ELTE, Faculty of Education and Psychology. My area of research is multicultural and early childhood education, as well as visual research. I have been concerned with childhood research since my doctoral studies, which I completed at the same faculty. I am an editor at multiple national and international journals. In Education Sciences: Education - Research - Innovation, I am a section editor. My most recent project, EXCIITE, examines the connection between inclusion, innovation, and creativity alongside Italian, Swedish, and Belgian university researchers. As a guest teacher and researcher, I have visited Lyon, Bologna, Madrid, Malta, Vienna, and Chiang Mai. My main interest is early childhood globally, especially in the Far East, South East Asia, and Africa.

Nedda Kolosai

I am an associate professor and psychologist. I have been conducting seminars and presentations on educational sciences and leading training in schools and kindergartens at ELTE Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education since 1999. I completed my doctoral studies at ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology's doctoral school. Since 2016, I have been heading the research workshop on the mental correlation between children's culture, play culture, childhood, and artistic education methodology. Our team is currently focused on creating new cultural playgrounds, researching the opportunities in early childhood education in museums, and studying the correlations between cultural activities and mental health.

Krisztina Nagy

I graduated as a Hungarian language and literature high school teacher and philosophy high school teacher with a bar exam. I have the qualifications to be a public education mentor and leader. I finished my doctoral studies in 2020 at ELTE Doctoral School of Education, and my dissertation topic was the mentors' learning and continuous professional development. I am a part of the ELTE School Organization, Teacher Education and Professional Learning Research Group. I teach at Károli Gáspár University of Reformed Church in Hungary and Lutheran Theological University on the teacher, educator, and mentor course and the educator's vocational training. My research topics are mentoring, educator and mentor training, mentor learning, reflectivity, and video-assisted evocation. Since 2015, I have taken part in editing Education Science, first as an assistant, then later as a copy editor.

Dávid Pénzes

I work as a teacher at Káldor Miklós College dormitory and as a travelling speech therapist at Ferencváros Complex Kindergarten, Primary School, and Unified Methodological Institute for Special Education. Additionally, I am a part-time assistant professor at the University of Szeged. In 2021, I defended my doctoral thesis at the Doctoral School of Education of Eszterházy Károly University. My research focused on the changes in the educational elite during the Rákosi era. I am also the editor of the Review section of the Education Sciences: Education - Research - Innovation journal. My research interests lie in the history of education and educational policies in the post-1945 period.

Lilla Szabó

I am a special education teacher specializing in learning disabilities and a humanities major in education. I completed my doctoral studies at the ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology Doctoral School of Education. In addition to preparing my dissertation, I work as a teaching assistant at the Institute of Educational Sciences. I am a member of the Research Group on Innovation and Equality in Education. My research interests involve examining students' attachment to school and exploring its various factors, such as subjective well-being.

Dorina Szente

I graduated as a pedagogy assistant at ELTE Faculty of Education and Psychology in 2013. Following that, in 2015, I got my educational sciences degree. In 2021, at ELTE Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology Doctoral School of Education, I acquired my Ph.D. in historical and theoretical educational science. During this time, my research areas touched upon pedagogy history and women's history, especially during the first part of the 20th century, alongside pedagogy anthropologies. I presented my research results at numerous national and international conferences. Since 2020, I have been an assistant professor doing research and teaching at Hungarian Dance University's Faculty of Education and Psychology.