History Teaching as a Tool of Patriotic Education and Political Propaganda in the Russian Education System – Patterns of the Past and Modern Tendencies


patriotic education, political propaganda, history textbooks, patriotism

How to Cite

Matolinets, T. (2024). History Teaching as a Tool of Patriotic Education and Political Propaganda in the Russian Education System – Patterns of the Past and Modern Tendencies. Education Sciences | Education – Research – Innovation, 12(2), 5–26. https://doi.org/10.21549/NTNY.45.2024.2.1


This study is devoted to the role of history as a tool of patriotic education and political propaganda in the modern system of Russian education. The article aims to analyze the structure and relationship of political propaganda and patriotic education in history lessons in Russian schools, observing the principle of historicism and the value approach. Russia's ideological and political peculiarities within the country and in the world are considered. The study applies the content analysis of Russian history textbooks for 10th grade after the unified concept of studying history which brought to a uniform learning history system in all schools (2013), revealing changes in the content of patriotic education and political propaganda. This method is used to analyze the characteristics of information sources and assess whether the content corresponds to accurate historical sources in the light of modern domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation.

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