The Power of Perspective. Discrimination Against Men


  • Virág Véber ELTE BTK



Prejudice, Bias, Stereotype, Stereotype Threat, Gender, Feminism, Ethics


Despite their conscious beliefs, values, and attitudes, people often have prejudices that influence their behaviour — such as gender bias. In my study, I point out that not only women are affected by gender bias, but men are as well, by the binary gender perspective: an important aspect of eliminating discrimination against women is that we need to address male bias as well. In my paper, I rely primarily on the concept of stereotype threat and Stacey Goguen’s thoughts. I point out that by prescribing hostile and benevolent sexism to traditional roles for both men and women, both will be problematic in the fight against discrimination. I examine stereotypes about men and their implications for men’s self-image as well as gender in general.

It is important to see the system of gender value judgments and inequalities as affecting men as well. The gender problem should be seen in the social context of society as a whole; a change of perspective is important to have and an integrated solution should be found. Feminism will not succeed if it fights exclusively for the equality of and the elimination of prejudice against women.




How to Cite

Véber, V. (2021). The Power of Perspective. Discrimination Against Men. Elpis Filozófiatudományi Folyóirat, 14(1), 59–70.