About the Editors

Some argue that digital humanities has ushered in a paradigm shift within the field of humanities. Conversely, others view computers as mere tools for humanities research. Our journal aims to serve as a platform for both perspectives. In 2017, we launched this journal to provide a space for publishing the outcomes of computer-assisted humanities research primarily conducted in Hungary. Additionally, we take on the responsibility of reviewing digital data resources, services, and relevant theoretical literature. Simultaneously, we aim to disseminate information about news and events related to digital humanities. Furthermore, we seek to facilitate dialogue among institutions, research centres, and scholars.


Introduction of the editorial board

→About the editorial team.


Zsolt Almási

Research fields: digital cultural databases, computer assisted text analysis, English Renaissance culture and literature with a special focus on Shakespeare, Shakespeare in the Hungarian theatre, book history

Affiliation: Pázmány Péter Catholic University (web)

Mail: almasi.zsolt[at]btk.ppke.hu
Twitter: @zsalmasi

Margit Kiss

Research fields: corpus analysis, digital lexicography, historical lexicology

Affiliation: HAS RCH Institute for Literary Studies (web)

MTMT, LinkedIn

Károly Kokas

Research fields: library informatics, digital humanities, Hungarian cultural history of the XIX. century, old and rare books and library history

Affiliation: SZTE Klebelsberg Library, Szeged (web)

Mail: kokas[at]ek.szte.hu
Neumann János Számítógép-tudományi Társaság

Szilvia Maróthy

Research fields: Renaissance and Baroque literature, digital philology, digital preservation

Affiliation: independent researcher

Mail: mthy.szilvi[at]gmail.com
LinkedIn, MTMT, Academia.edu, GitHub 

Attila Mártonfi

Research fields: Hungarian linguistics, morphology, (monolingual) dictionaries, orthography, author dictionaries

Affiliation: freelancer as a researcher (formerly: HAS Research Institute for Linguistics; currently: software engineer for a for-profit company, member of HAS Standing Committee on Hungarian Language and the interdepartmental Committee on Geographical Names)

Mail: martonfi[at]gmail.com
MTMT, LinkedIn, Academia.edu, ORCID

Andrea Parádi

Research fields: digital textual scholarship, textual criticism of manuscripts of Dezső Kosztolányi

Affiliation: Petőfi Literary Museum (web)

Mail: paradiandrea[at]gmail.com
MTMT, LinkedIn

Róbert Péter

Research fields: bibliographic data analysis, text and data mining, distant reading; 17th-18th-century history of ideas, religious and press history; Anglo-Hungarian relations, Freemasonry 

Affiliation: University of Szeged (web)

Mail: robert.peter[at]ieas-szeged.hu
Academia.edu, Researchgate, Linkedin, MTMT