Closing mother tongue lessons from a rhetorical and pedagogical perspective

Closing mother tongue lessons from a rhetorical and pedagogical perspective




mother tongue pedagogy, rhetoric, RJR model, summary, reflection


Lesson planning is a complex process in which it is possible, and even necessary, to build on the results of research in several disciplines. This paper explores how the results of rhetoric can be applied to the planning of the closing phase of a mother tongue lesson. In addition to the rhetorical perspective, it also addresses the pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge related aspects of the aims and functions of the reflective phase of mother tongue lessons based on the RJR model, (Tuning in, Finding and Sorting Out, and Reflection and Action) and provides psychological research evidence to support the usefulness and necessity of applying rhetorical principles. The paper presents the results of two non-representative studies on the design of mother tongue lessons. The aim of these studies was to investigate to what extent the Hungarian language teacher trainees take into account the previously learned mother tongue specific pedagogical recommendations when planning lessons in the methodological seminar and in the individual school practice, whether their lesson plans contain a summarizing and reflective part and what methodological solution they choose. The concluding part of the paper presents examples of the types of exercises that can be used in the final phase of mother tongue lessons, considering both rhetorical and pedagogical principles.





