Narratives related to the Hungarian language in language biographies

Attitudes and language ideologies of bilingual German speakers in Hungary


  • Márta Müller Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, Germanisztikai Intézet, Német Nyelvészeti Tanszék



language biography, language narrative, bilingualism, German minority in Hungary


The study focuses on individual events related to the Hungarian language in the narrative language biographies of older generations of bilingual Germans in Hungary. The study clarifies the definition of ‘language biography’, covers its linguistic and psycholinguistic  characteristics and illustrates the positive and negative narrative episodes of the language biographies of the informants based on an analysis combining aspects of content, form and interaction of twenty-two biographical interviews. The narratives found demonstrate what top-down and bottom-up language ideologies the informants were confronted with in their individual language biographies and how these determined their narratives in relation to the Hungarian language, which they had acquired as a second language in the 1940s and  1950s. The results are relevant from a metapragmatic standpoint, given that, even though the topic is rather sensitive, the individual narratives become comprehensible, clear, and authentic only through the study of their subjective language data and their historical and political background.


