Analysing linguistic elements of student speech in classroom discourse

Part 2


  • Anikó Asztalos Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem; Mathias Corvinus Collegium Alapítvány, Középiskolás Program



classroom discourse, student’s speech, teacher’s speech, phatic function, classroom communication


The subject of this paper is the study of phatic linguistic elements in students’ speech. As the primary function of language in classroom discourse, phatic function supports the establishment, maintenance and closure of the connection between teacher and students, reflecting the nature of the interpersonal relationship. The aim of this research presented here is to observe the types of verbal phatic elements that appear in students' speech turns. The study presents the characteristics of classroom discourse based on the annotation and segmentation of video material from 12 Hungarian language lessons, and differentiates the types of phatic language elements in the students' speech. The linguistic examples confirm that students have limited contact with the teacher and with each other, and that there are several features of the phatic language elements that can be classified as specific to student speech. By exploring the functioning of classroom discourse, both novice and practising teachers can better recognise the impact of their own speech on the speech of their students.


