Finno-Ugric linguistics in Hungary after the turn of the millennium

An overview


  • Sándor Maticsák Debreceni Egyetem, Magyar Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Finnugor Nyelvtudományi Tanszék



history of science, Finno-Ugric studies in Hungary in the 21st century, etymology, studies in phonetics morphology and syntax, linguistic affinities of the Hungarian language, language policy


The present essay provides an overview of the main achievements of Finno-Ugric linguistics in Hungary in the new millennium. During the previous decades, considerable alignment took place on the scene of Finno-Ugric studies. The paradigm shift is noticeable in multiple areas. The largescale syntheses in historical phonetics and etymology had been completed by the end of the past century; therefore, these topics are less popular now. Studies of the spoken language, issues within sociolinguistics (especially bilingualism, language attrition and the study of revitalization processes) and studies of the development of standard literary languages have gained prominence. The ethnography and folklore of minor Finno-Ugric peoples are also becoming significant. Through the research of the spoken language, more and more essays are being written in theoretical linguistics and linguistic typology has shown significant progress. At the same time, information gained about the present state of languages also has a boosting effect on historical studies. English language studies strengthen the international embeddedness of Hungarian Finno-Ugric studies. The paradigm shift has had a similar course in Finland and Estonia. This paper reviews the most important achievements of etymological, phonetic, morphological, and syntactic studies, with an emphasis on monographs and papers published on international platforms. Language policy, studies on bilingualism, developments in the research of standard literary languages and text publishing are also discussed. Special attention is given to how the scholars act against the Anti-Finno-Ugrist views that have gained ground recently.





