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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal for publication.
  • The submitted article is a Libre Office / Open Office (ODT) or Microsoft Word (DOC, DOCX) document.
  • Additional files, e. g. images, data sources or packages have also been uploaded.
  • Citations and formatting are according to Chicago Full Note 17th Edition.
  • Authors' name and affiliation are not represented in documents, and file names of documents (due to double-blind peer review).

Author Guidelines

Author guidelines

To ensure faster, more continuous and up-to-date publication, articles are published continuously and issues are closed when the number of articles reaches the required number. (For more information, click here: Switching to continuous publication)

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts electronically in odt (LibreOffice, Open Office) or docx format to our editorial office via the online interface:

(Registration is required for submission.)

Please use our templates for articles for the Papers and Digital methods, tools, and projects sections. ODT FORMAT - DOTX (DOCX template) FORMAT (Click on the one that suits your needs to download. The templates can be found in the EDIT repository. URI:

For papers intended for the Papers and Digital methods, tools, and projects sections, please provide a short abstract in English and in Hungarian, as well as 5-7 keywords in English and in Hungarian for all articles, including reviews.

For publications in the Sandbox section, please include a short description and documentation in English and Hungarian, as well as 5-7 keywords in English and Hungarian. We welcome source code, algorithms, program ideas (program code, code snippets), raw and structured datasets, data visualisations and associated files that are relevant to the field of digital humanities research. Please use standards appropriate to the field. (For more information on this section, click here.)

Submissions will be reviewed by two anonymous referees, who will receive anonymized papers. To aid double-blind reviewing, please do not include the author's name and exact institutional affiliation in the text of the paper (in the submitted file). Reviews will be returned to the authors without the name of the referee. In the case of two positive reviews, the paper will be published (with any modifications deemed necessary), whereas in the case of two negative reviews, the paper will not be published, and in the case of one negative and one positive review, the editorial board will decide whether to accept or reject the paper.

Length of articles in the various sections

Please respect the following limits:

Papers section: max. 10,000 words

Digital methods, tools, and projects section: max. 5,000 words

Reviews section: max. 2,000 words

Text structuring, highlighting

The method of structuring papers is to use an Arabic numeral at the beginning of the paragraph opening the section: 1, 2, etc. Subsections are numbered in decimal form (1.1, 1.1.1, etc.).

Use italics to indicate titles. The names of authors (and others) who have expressed a scientific opinion are not highlighted in the main text or in the references. The titles of papers are in quotation marks, not italics.


In Digital Humanities/Digitális Bölcsészet, the headings (notes, references, bibliographies, etc.) of cited texts and bibliographic items should be prepared according to the Full note version of the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (Chicago: University of Chicago, 2010). Until our own stylesheet has been introduced, we recommend using the Chicago style file for formatting (download: Zotero, EndNote), but please make sure that the document is set to English in the reference manager. For authors who do not use reference management software, we recommend localizing the Institute of Literary Studies (with the exception of small-caps highlighting).

In accordance with the Chicago Full note standard, references should be footnoted. Papers intended for the Reviews section are an exception to this rule: references (page numbers or paragraph numbers) to the book or website reviewed should be indicated in parentheses in the main text. In addition, footnote references may be placed where appropriate.

Bibliographic items cited in the article should also be uploaded as attachments in RIS or BibTeX format, using Zotero or EndNote for this purpose. Please remove the field codes from the footnotes of the article before submission. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Articles published in the journal are assigned a unique DOI identifier as part of the CrossRef service. In order to fulfil the cross-linking obligation, please assist our work by finding the DOI identifier of the cited literature, if available, and including it in a footnote. CrossRef's Simple Text Query service will help you to do this.

Any comments on the preparation of the manuscript will be included in a footnote asterisked to the title, such as the name of the institutions that funded the research, grant support, and acknowledgements. As double-blind refereeing is provided for the Papers and Digital methods, tools, and projects sections, please include these in the Comments section when uploading the manuscript, and not in the document itself.

Figures and special characters

Authors who include figures, tables, example sentences, etc. in their manuscripts that require special layout are kindly requested to send their manuscripts to the editorial office in PDF format also. In case of image figures, please include the original high-resolution images (min. 150 dpi, TIFF or PNG format) in a separate file. If the manuscript contains individual characters other than the default font, please include the character set.

Captions and tables are uniformly named Figure 1. Title ; Figure 2 Title etc. Table 1. Title ; Table 2. Title etc.

Source code

If you include data series and/or source code in your paper, please include them as separate file when uploading, if possible. These will be made available as appendices to the study when it is published.


It is the responsibility of the editor to determine the publication date and order of the submissions. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes to the structure, technical and other arrangements of the issue at any stage of production.

In order to ensure faster, more continuous and up-to-date publication, articles will be published continuously and issues will be closed when the number of articles reaches the required number (for more information, please see

The electronic periodical is subject to the terms of the Creative Commons (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence. [See details, see]

The journal uses the Open Journal System (OJS3) framework, which is provided by the ELTE University Library and Archives, together with the DOI identifier of the published articles (OJS administrator: László Garamvölgyi.)

The journal is archived by the ELTE Digital Institutional Knowledge Archive (EDIT) and the Electronic Periodicals Archive (EPA). We encourage authors, readers and libraries to deposit copies of our journal issues in the managed repositories they access under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.


Longer analyses that provide a comprehensive theoretical framework, elucidate interrelationships and address professional scientific issues in sufficient depth.

Digital methods, tools, and projects

Project reports, digital processing and analysis practices in the humanities.


The Sandbox section is open to source code, algorithms, program ideas (program code, code snippets), raw and structured data sets, data visualisations and associated files that are relevant to the field of digital humanities research. Please consider standards appropriate to the field.

For contributions to the Sandbox section, please include a short description and documentation in English and Hungarian, as well as 5-7 keywords in English and Hungarian.

For more information on this section, please click here.

Data protection statement

The names and email addresses provided at the time of registration will be used exclusively for the services provided by the Digitális Bölcsészet / Digital Humanities Journal Open Journal Systems platform and will not be transferred to third parties. The registered data can be modified or deleted at any time.


Átfogó elméleti kerettel rendelkező, összefüggéseket megvilágító, szakmai tudományos kérdéseket kellő alapossággal taglaló hosszabb lélegzetű elemzések.

Digital methods, tools and projects

Projektbeszámolók, digitális feldolgozás és elemzés gyakorlata a bölcsészettudományokban.


"Sandbox" features short articles containing source code, algorithms, software (codes, fragments of code), raw and structured data, data visualizations, and files related to these harmonizing with the field of Digital Humanities. With this column, the editorial board aims at building a bridge between the spheres of information technology and research, as Digital Humanities projects involve more often than not team members of various academic and non-academic backgrounds, affiliations.

A short introduction and documentation of the files and 5-7 keywords are required in English. Please take in account relevant information technology standards of your field.

Learn more about Sandbox.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other part.