On the sociolinguistic interviews of the New General Atlas of Hungarian Dialects project

Presentation of the sample collected in Hungary


  • Andrea Parapatics Pannon Egyetem, Magyar és Alkalmazott Nyelvtudományi Intézet, Magyar Nyelvtudományi Tanszék




sociolinguistics, language attitudes, language and dialect awareness, New General Atlas of Hungarian Dialects, database


The paper deals with the sociolinguistic interviews recorded in Hungary by the New Hungarian Dialect Atlas project. As part of a three-year research, the author analyzed the responses of the entire Hungarian sample to thirteen sociolinguistic questions. To do this, she first examined the audio archive in detail to see how the data collection was carried out compared to the work plan, i.e., at which research points, how many informants and with what background were evaluable interviews conducted. Through selection and processing, the article is the first to provide details of the sample since the end of the project in 2012, including its stratification by area, gender, age, and education. The responses of the individual participants to the questions examined in the research mentioned are contained in an enormous table that is not yet accessible – the data and answers of 600 subjects from 77 data collection sites in total. In order for the project’s sound archive (not just the data of the interviews processed so far) to be really available for use, the study emphasizes the need to create an
open access, easy-to-use and searchable database based on various criteria.


