Phonetic adaptation of second-language loanwords in Transcarpathian Hungarian and Ukrainian

Part 1


  • Erzsébet Bárány II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola, Filológia Tanszék; Nyíregyházi Egyetem
  • Vilmos Gazdag II. Rákóczi Ferenc Kárpátaljai Magyar Főiskola, Filológia Tanszék



Hungarian loanwords in Transcarpathian and other Ukrainian literary works, Russian and Ukrainian loanwords in Transcarpathian Hungarian dialects, phonetic changes


The study of phonetic changes in loanwords is an important segment of contact linguistics. The study of phonetic issues is of particular importance in cases where we wish to discuss relationships between unrelated languages and loanwords that have become established as a result of these relationships. Such a relationship is also the case for Ukrainian/Russian, which belongs to the Slavic language family, and Hungarian, which belongs to the Finno-Ugric language family. The differences in the phonetic systems of Ukrainian, Russian and Hungarian provide an excellent opportunity for loanwords to undergo characteristic phonetic modifications during their being borrowed, whether in the form of Hungarianisms established in Ukrainian or Russian or in that of Ukrainian and Russian lexical elements transferred into Hungarian. In the present study, we try to summarise the main features of the phonetic changes in Hungarian loanwords in Transcarpathian and other Ukrainian literary works in Western Ukraine, and in Russian and Ukrainian loanwords in Transcarpathian Hungarian dialects.





