A source in Hungarian in the Castaldo Codex


  • György Domokos Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Klasszikus és Újlatin Nyelvek Intézete, Olasz Tanszék
  • Attila Hegedűs Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem, Magyar Nyelv- és Irodalomtudományi Intézet, Magyar Nyelvészeti Tanszék


history of Transylvania, Hungarian castle register, medieval military terminology


In the course of the processing of the Hungarian-related documents of the Ambrosiana Library of Milan, the so-called Castaldo Codex, marked G 275 inf, was also examined. The documents of Giovanni Battista Castaldo, who marched into Transylvania at the head of the imperial armies, have been arranged in a later moment to volume and contain many important historical documents, including the Treaty of Gyulafehérvár, which handed the country over to the Habsburgs, sources relating to the murder of Cardinal György Martinuzzi, and a Hungarian-language castle register, which was written in Déva in 1552. This paper outlines the historical-philological background of the document and includes a transcription of the source.






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