Gabriel García Márquez: otra vuelta. La alegoría de la lectura en Rosas artificiales




Ellipsis, allegory of reading, status of the reader


Present article elaborates on a so far neglected allegory by examining the different forms of ellipsis in a short story of García Márquez. Silence that interweaves the text on various levels sheds light on the inauthenticity of linguistic discourse, yet, at the same time, offers the possibility of a simpler, more open way of communication. The ellipsis in the narration is further strengthened by elements of the motif web. The chain of metaphors defining the text implies an allegory of the act of reading which leads us to a status of the reader that is based on intuition and the acceptance of “blindness”.


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How to Cite

Skrapits, M. “Gabriel García Márquez: Otra Vuelta. La alegoría De La Lectura En Rosas Artificiales”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 2017, doi:10.24029/lejana.2010.1.10.


