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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Works submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished in any other journal, either digital or print media.
  • Works submitted have to be edited in MS-Word format.
  • Work submitted do NOT include author's first and last name(s) neither the institution to which he/she belongs.
  • Works submitted do NOT include author’s e-mail address.
  • Works submitted do NOT exceed the extension of 40.000 characters.
  • Works submitted include a short abstract in Spanish and English.
  • Works submitted include not more than five keywords in Spanish and English.
  • Bibliographic references are following the general rules set in “Editing and Publishing rules” of our journal.
  • Reviews do not exceed 10.000 characters.

Author Guidelines

We have gathered in this document (PDF) every useful information for our authors.

Work submitted for publication must be original, previously unpublished in any other journal, either digital or print media. In order to ensure the scientific quality, works will be subjected to double-blind peer review fulfilled by two experts of the study field, unaffiliated with both the editorial team and the editorial institution. Originality and the relevance of the scientific information will be considered as criterions of the review process.

LEJANA does not necessary share the opinion of its authors, for that the one and only responsible are their same authors.

The Copyright is exclusive property of their authors (please se below for more details).



Works will be published in Spanish or English. The maximum extension will be, in case of papers and articles, of 20 quartos (40.000 characters) and, in case of informative communications, of 10.000 characters. Works submitted have to be edited in MS-Word format with a headline including a short abstract in Spanish and English, together with no more than five keywords in both languages. (Edited works will appear in PDF format.)

Works should be submitted on the journal's homepage in the OJS system, or sent by mail to the following addres:

If it is possible, we kindly ask our authors to send us a digital version of the fictional text object of study.

The Journal does not have any article submission or processing charges (APCs).

The bibliographic references should follow the guideline listed below:

Books: SURNAME(S), First Name(s) (year): Book Title. Place, Publisher.

Book chapters: SURNAME(S), First Name(s) (year): “Chapter Title”. En Name(s) Surname(s) (ed.): Book Title. Place, Publisher: pages.

Journal papers: SURNAME(S), First Name(s) (year): “Article Title”. Journal Title, volume/issue: pages.

Digital references: SURNAME(S), First Name(s) (year): “Article Title”. Web Medium, URL, date.

In case a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is available, please place it at the end of the reference.

Innertextual bibliographic reference should use the following format: (Surnames, year: page).

In case of including graphic material, it should be presented in jpg format, without exceeding 600px x 500 px.



  1. All manuscripts considered for publication in Revista Crítica de Narrativa Breve must undergo a double-blind peer review process and approval by the Editorial Board.
  2. Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by the editors to determine if the reflect the aims and scope of the journal, and to check the appropriateness of the format. Manuscripts that do not meet the criteria outlined by the journal will not be considered for publication, and authors will be informed of this decision.
  3. If a manuscript meets the required criteria, it will be forwarded to two reviewers. The review process should be done in 6 weeks from the date of the reviewers receive the manuscript.
  4. The review process is anonymous for the author and the reviewers.
  5. Reviewers and members of the Editorial Board must keep all reviewed material confidential. Reviewers and editors must not share materials submitted for review with third parties.
  6. All reviewers have expertise in areas reflected in the submitted material and have published in the field in recent years. Reviewers may be selected from among the members of the Editorial Committee and among experts from various research and higher education institutions across the country and abroad. If the manuscript is of any interdisciplinary nature, experts from appropriate fields may be invited to take part in the review process.
  7. Neither the author nor any of the co-authors are permitted to be reviewers of their manuscript or any other articles to be published in the same issue. Academic supervisors of graduate students or colleagues from the institution where the author is currently employed cannot be invited as reviewers. Invited reviewers must inform the Editorial Board about any potential conflict of interests.
  8. The review should include an expert analysis of the material, an objective and well-supported evaluation and constructive recommendations, following a predetermined formulary. The review should be concluded with a final decision concerning the suitability of the manuscript for publication as follows: a) the manuscript is recommended for publication; b) the manuscript is recommended for publication following revision; c) the manuscript is not recommended for publication.
  9. In the event of a positive assessment from both reviewers, the manuscript should be approved by the Editorial Board. Upon acceptance, the authors will be informed by email. This email may include a list of suggested revisions. The Editorial Board retains the right to reject the manuscript even if a positive assessment was given by both reviewers; authors of such manuscripts will be fully informed of the reasons for rejection.
  10. In the event of negative assessments from both reviewers, the authors will be provided with the reasons for rejection. In the event of two conflicting reviews, the final decision concerning the manuscript will be made by the editor-in-chief. In the event of disagreement between the reviewers, the manuscript may be forwarded to a third independent expert.
  11. Reviews will be sent anonymously to authors on request.
  12. Reviews will be kept for a period of 5 years.

Privacy Statement


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.



The rules detailed below must be accepted by authors submitting a manuscript to Lejana. Revista Crítica de Narrativa Breve:

  1. By sending an article to the journal,authors confirm that the article is their own original intellectual product and that no rights of a third party are harmed by the publication. In case of any claim by a third party, authors take full responsibility including any financial consequences.
  2. Authors’ name(s), ORCID ID, e-mail address (preferably institutional), and their institutional affiliation are made available on the website.
  3. Authors are allowed to distribute their article in the same version as the one published in the journal by acknowledging this as initial publication. Authors are free to share their work on online platforms.
  4. The copyright of articles published in the journal remains with the author. The journal has the right of first publication. The published work is licensed under Creative Commons License “Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International" (CC BY-NC 4.0).This means that copying, redistribution, remixing, transformation and building upon the published work is allowed for any purpose except commercial purposes as long as proper credit is given to the author, a link to the license is provided, and any changes made to the original work are indicated.
  5. Articles published in the journal are archived in the Digital Institutional Repository (EDIT)of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). This repository provides storage for documents and archives related to the institution, enabling users to search and browse in collections within certain categories.



All the editing process is absolutely free of charges for authors. In coherence to a publication politics based on the principles of justice and equity, Lejana. Revista Crítica de Narrativa Breve does not charge article processing charges (APCs) nor article submission charges. Articles are accessed free of charges, immediately after their publication.