Lessico ed emozioni con la poesia

dalla parte delle bambine e dei bambini


  • Franca Bosc




vocabulary, emotions, poetry, primary school, teaching


How do children learn to adequately express their emotions? Any adult tutoring children is aware of the importance they give to this personal competence. What, however, are the words used during these “special experiences”? They are lemmas of a volitional type, such as wanting, desiring, hoping, preferring; lemmas of an emotional type, such as happy, sad, including those that refer
to the behavioral aspect of emotions (smiling, crying ...). Poetry with sounds, rhythm, blurry words plays a special role in learning the emotional vocabulary as it is able to promote, through empathy, the memorization of words that express feelings and emotions.



How to Cite

Bosc, F. (2023). Lessico ed emozioni con la poesia: dalla parte delle bambine e dei bambini. Italogramma, (21), 101–113. https://doi.org/10.58849/italog.2023.BOS