About the Journal

The professional principles of the journal Geodesy and Cartography

The Geodesy and Cartography is a scientific and popular journal published in Hungarian, which publishes scientific papers and other professional articles on professional topics from surveying, land registration, remote sensing, photogrammetry, geoinformatics and cartography, as well as articles from related disciplines, provided that their subject Is related to the main fields of the journal. The purpose of the journal is to present the scientific results of Hungarian professional workshops in the mother-country and abroad as well as in foreign countries, to present professional results, new procedures and tools, to publish reports on professional and social events, articles, news, commemorations, and to publicise and promote the activities of professional workshops, institutions, civil and state organisations in the main fields of the journal. The journal aims to help the Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing to achieve its objectives set in its statutes [II. 2. § (2)].

The journal only publishes scientific papers and other articles that have not been published elsewhere.

Manuscripts can be submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment (mfttt.titkarsag@gmail.com) or directly to the editor-in-chief (lbuga54@gmail.com) in the form specified in the guidelines published on the journal website. The length of scientific publications/manuscripts 18,000 characters, but no more than 60,000 characters including illustrations. (An 8 x 12 cm illustration is equivalent to 1,500 characters). Other professional writing should not exceed 24,000 characters. The editorial board may decide to publish articles of a different length, depending on the scientific value and professional significance of the manuscript.

The content of articles published in the journal does not necessarily reflect the views of the editors.

Manuscripts older than three months will not be kept or returned.

Manuscripts of scientific publications submitted to the journal will be sent by the editors

  1. a) for peer review, or
  2. b) to the author with suggestions for improvement, or
  3. c) the manuscript is rejected for publication with giving detailed reasons.

The editorial board will ensure the anonymity of the peer review. The reviewer, chosen from among recognised experts in the field, does not know the author, and the author does not know the person of the reviewer. The reviewer and the author cannot be colleagues or employees of the same intellectual workshop or institution. The peer review does not have a fixed form, but the reviewer will comment on the scientific merit of the manuscript and recommend publication or rejection. The reviewer's comments and suggestions for supplementing and modifying the manuscript for publication will be forwarded to the author by the editors. The editorial board will decide on the publication of the peer-reviewed article after the manuscript has been revised/amended and resubmitted, taking into account the reviewer's opinion. The peer reviewer will not be remunerated.

In matters of professional ethics, the journal follows international standards and the recommendations of the Committee for Publishing Ethics (COPE) http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts.