Vol. 2020 (2022): Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae

Observations on the production technology of the Tápióbicske and Abrudbánya gold armlets

Published 2022-03-03


  • production technology, use-wear traces, gold armlets with crescent-shaped terminals, Middle Bronze Age (Br A2–Br B1)

How to Cite

Tarbay, J. G., & Lukács, B. (2022). Observations on the production technology of the Tápióbicske and Abrudbánya gold armlets. Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, 2020, 57–70. https://doi.org/10.54640/CAH.2020.57


The study discusses the technological traces of the Middle Bronze Age gold armlets with crescent-shaped terminals from Tápióbicske (Hungary, Pest County) and Abrud (Romania, Alba County). Our aim was to conduct in-depth analyses of these finds’ production technological, and use-wear traces, as well as the identification of their modern damages. Several tools, e.g., a bronze chisel, stone hammers, bronze, and hardwood awls, were used to make these exceptional finds based on surface traces. The parallels of these tools are well-known from the contemporaneous archaeological material. Our results suggest that both ornaments can be described as finished products. In the case of the Tápióbicske armlet, it was possible to identify abrasion traces related to long or intensive use. We also propose that the craftsmen working on these ornaments had an advanced technological knowledge. This statement can be applied particularly to the Tápióbicske armlet whose ornaments were made by a highly experienced, professional metal smith.