
The journal Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae is a forum to publish studies presenting find material, evaluations, and short papers related to the archaeology of the Carpathian Basin. Besides, we also accept reviews of works of interest for the archaeological research of the region. In addition to publishing the results of international and Hungarian archaeological research in the region, CAH is also the primary forum for presenting the archaeological work in the Hungarian National Museum. It accepts manuscripts in Hungarian and foreign languages (English and German).

Submitted manuscripts are expected to be 30,000–70,000 keystrokes long. In exceptional cases (e.g., when presenting extensive archaeological sites or processing unusually large find materials), this limit may be exceeded considerably; the related decision is subject to agreement with the editors.

In addition to the main text, the submitted manuscript must include a short abstract (maximum 700 keystrokes), keywords, a summary (maximum 8,000 keystrokes), captions, and a bibliography, all formatted according to the criteria specified below. The editors can only make minor formal changes; if the formatting of the submitted manuscript differs significantly from the criteria specified in this guideline, it will be returned to the author for correction.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to decide on the publication of submitted manuscripts based on the peer reviewers’ opinions. When a paper favourably judged by the peer reviewers and accepted cannot be included in the current volume due to lack of space, it will be given priority in the next volume.

The paper submitted must not have been previously published or be in the process of publication elsewhere to be eligible for publication.

Formal requirements


Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman, single-spaced. Main text and bibliography should be in font size 11, while archaeological feature and artefact descriptions and lists in font size 10. Please disable the automatic numbering of lists and headings. Headings should be italicized and sorted to the left. Chapter numbering should be used only in case of final need when the text is arranged into three or more subordinate chapters. CAH uses abbreviated interlinear notes. Endnotes may be used for notes relevant to the main body of the text but not fitting into it. The journal is in Latin script; please convert references to literature published in other scripts into the language of the article.

Example of intertextual references: (Hahnel 1988, 73, Taf. 14. 3-4)

Citation of works with two authors: (Pászthory, Mayer 1998, 152)

Citation of works with three or more authors: (Bajnóczy et al. 2013)

Citation of different works by different authors: (Stuchlík 2000, 248, Obr. 2. 4–6; Lauermann 2003, 476-478, Fig. 202. 5–6). A semicolon must separate more than one reference within a bracket.

Two works by the same author from the same year: (Kiss 2001a, Fig. 30; Kiss 2001b); the name should always be spelled out again.

If several images are referred to in the same work, the word referring to the image should be spelt out separately in each case (Kiss 2011b, 101-102, Fig. 2. 2, Fig. 3)

Personal communication: pers. comm.

Please ensure that all references cited in the text are included in the bibliography. Page numbers should be cited wherever possible.


Figures, tables

Please number the images consecutively from Fig. 1 to Fig. n. Do not use diverse image types (picture, plate, etc.); all illustrations must be arranged only into figures and tables (Table 1 to Table n). Captions identified with the type and number of the illustrative element must be added to every figure and table; all captions must be arranged in a separate line. Images should be 300 dpi or higher resolution, in .tiff format, with continuous numbering.

The maximum type area of the journal is 16.5 × 21.5 cm. Images may be shorter but not taller (it is practical to set the size in the graphic editor programme used). As the journal has two-column pages, the images can be narrower (8 cm wide for an one-column image). Image sizes can be freely varied between the maximum and eight cm-wide sizes. Please make the image proportionally shorter if the respective caption takes more than three lines in one language, as otherwise, there will not be enough space left for the two-language caption in the printing space.

Please always include a scale next to the objects in the image (use a common scale for all objects in the image if they are of equal proportions).

Figure captions format

Fig. 1. Location of the site and major excavations. 1, minimum extent of the site; 2, identified large trenches; 3, trenches of the new excavation

If an image taken from another publication is used, the caption must include a reference following the formatting requirements specified above. The author must ensure that the publication rights to the images are obtained.

Table captions should be as follows:

Table 1 Classification of the animal bones recovered from the site’s features

Figure/Table captions should include references when citing material from another publication. Authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions to reproduce material to which they do not own copyright.


References in the bibliography

A bibliography with the entries arranged in alphabetical order must be included at the end of the manuscript to resolve references. For formal details, see the examples listed below. Please use long hyphens ('–', en dash) between years and page numbers to indicate ranges. The title of the abstract of all articles in a foreign language must always be included. Please do not use abbreviations, and write out the full place of publication in all cases.

Journal article:

Torma, I. 1972: A kisapostagi kultúra telepe Balatongyörökön – Eine Siedlung der Kisapostager-Kultur in Balatongyörök. Veszprém Megyei Múzeumok Közleményei 11, 15–34.

Torma, I. 1996: A tokodi csoport és a dunántúli mészbetétes kerámia nyergesújfalui temetője – Ein Gräberfeld der Bronzezeit in Nordtransdanubien (Nyergesújfalu-Viscosa). Pápai Múzeum Értesítője 6, 43–52.

Bajnóczi, B., Schöll-Barna, G., Kalicz, N., Siklósi, Zs., Hourmouziadis, H. G., Ifantidis, F., Kyparissi-Apostolika, A., Pappa, M., Veropoulidou, R., Ziota, Ch. 2013: Tracing the source of Late Neolithic Spondylus shell ornaments by stable isotope geochemistry and cathodoluminescence microscopy. Journal of Archaeological Science 40, 874–882.

Ilon, G. 1992: Csészésmarkolatú kard Csöngéről (Vas megye) – Ein Schalenkaufschwert aus Csönge (Komitat Vas). Communicationes Archaeologicae Hungariae, 19–22.


Newspaper/Journal paper – unknown author

Vasárnapi Ujság 1895: Lanfranconi műkincsei. Vasárnapi Ujság 42/35 (1895.09.01) 557.


Chapter in a book:

László, A. 2008: Il mondo di Cucuteni. Lo spazio e il tempo di una civiltà preistorica. In: Ursulescu, N., Kogălniceanu, R., Creţu, C. (eds), Cucuteni. Tesori di una civiltà dei Carpazi. Iaşi, 11–28.



Ward-Perkins, B. 2006: The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization. Oxford.


Book with a volume:

Hampel, J. 1905: Alterthümer des frühen Mittelalters in Ungarn 1. Braunschweig.


Edited collection:

Mattingly, D. 1997 (ed.): Dialogues in Roman Imperialism. Power, Discourse, and Discrepant Experience in the Roman Empire. Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary Series 23. Portsmouth.


Book in a numbered series:

Müller-Karpe, K. 1959: Beiträge zur Chronologie der Urnenfelderzeit nördlich und südlich der Alpen. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen 22, Berlin.

Pászthory, K., Mayer, E., F. 1998: Die Äxte und Beile in Bayern. Prähistorische Bronzefunde IX/20, Stuttgart.


Online publication:

Tóth, Zs., Mihály, J., Tóth, A., L., Ilon, G. 2013a: „Szombathely-Oladi Plató” ásatásból származó festékanyagok és festett kerámiák pásztázó elektronmikroszkópos és rezgési spektroszkópiai vizsgálata – Vibrational Spectroscopic and Scanning Electron Microscopic study of pigment raw materials and painted ceramics excavated at ‘Szombathely-Oladi Plató’, Hungary. Archeometriai Műhely 10/2, 103–110., last accessed: 01.09.2021. 08:41.


Theses and dissertations:

Szenthe, G. 2012: A késő avar kori növényi ornamentika. Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Archaeological Sciences, Budapest.


In press/forthcoming:

In press: if the work has been scheduled for publication and the publication date is known.

Forthcoming: book/article accepted for publication.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the editors: