
We welcome essays in any field of English and American literature, literary history, literary theory, and cultural history. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration. Essays may be submitted at any time, electronically, in Word Document (*.doc/docx). As for reviews, please be so kind as to reach out to the editor-in-chief before submitting your manuscript.

Papers should use 12pt Times New Roman, should be double-spaced throughout. An ideal manuscript is between 6,000–8,000 words, but must not be under 4,000 words or exceed 10,000 words in length, including the title, subtitle, abstract (150–200 words), footnotes (please use footnotes, not endnotes), and bibliography. Please use UK spelling. If your manuscript contains any special characters or fonts, please be sure to also submit your typescript in Portable Document Format (*.pdf) to ensure the proper typesetting of these characters.


Your typescript should be arranged in the following order: title of the article, abstract, text, list of works cited, and tables/figures. Please be sure to obtain written permission for the use of material for which the copyright is owned by others.