Based on the results of the research on tiny and dwarf villages in Northeastern Hungary the dimensions of geographical differences and the inequality of future opportunities can be given. It is highly probable that in the following decades the problem of the depopulation of some of the tiny and dwarf villages or their socio-economic transformation will have to be addressed, as well as the reproduction of growing social difficulties. This latter problem can be predicted by the fact that the population of villages with overwhelmingly Roma population (e.g. Csenyéte, Tornanádaska, Szendrőlád, etc.) is growing, which can strengthen the tendency of increasing segregation. According to statistics it is unambiguous that chiefly young, educated people leave tiny and dwarf villages. Without changing the unfavorable demographic processes the preservation and development of local values is highly questionable. This would require the continuous development of human resources, too. The population of tiny and dwarf villages located on the periphery of the region may increase, the age structure may be favorable, however these villages are characterized by ethnic segregation, low education, and extremely bad employment and income levels. Due to the deficiencies in public transport and the high number of villages with dead-end roads even the most basic services provided by institutions are not adequate. The attractiveness of villages is worsened by the deficiencies in the local infrastructure, and the mostly degraded environment of settlements.