Ruptura temporal y textual en un relato de Sergio Pitol: “Asimetría”




Sergio Pitol, “Asimetría”, fragmentation, ruptures in narrative, polyphony


This article examines the relation between textual, temporal and narrative ruptures in “Asimetría”, as well as its meaning. Fragmentation, one of the essential aspects of the theory and literary practice of Sergio Pitol, is considered to be carried to the highest degree possible in this short story. The fragmentation manifests itself in the narrative and temporal organization, and in the division of the text. In order to highlight the way in which formal aspects are inseparable from the content, this article concentrates on the key points of the argument and analyzes the deep meaning of the story. At the same time the article stresses the undoubted technical skill with which these temporal and textual ruptures are used to produce a polyphonic and counterpoint effect.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Nogales Baena, J. L. „Ruptura Temporal Y Textual En Un Relato De Sergio Pitol: “Asimetría””. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 8, 2015. október, doi:10.24029/lejana.2015.8.95.



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