La reformulación fantástica del espacio realista en tres cuentos de Edgardo Rivera Martínez: “Adrián”, “Una flor en la plaza de la buena muerte” y “Lectura al atardecer”




fantastic literature, realist space, neo-indigenism, mise en abyme


Rivera Martinez's narrative is frequently read from realistic assumptions and the presence of fantastic elements is interpreted from the indigenous perspective and neo-indigenism. However, in some of his short stories, as mentioned in the title of this article, it is space that allows us to enter a fantastic dimension which, as is usual in the great Latin American poetry, establishes a dialogue with realistic reading of reality. It is precisely this dialogue which gives coherence to the world of fiction, where fantasy serves as a key for interpreting the narrated events. The three short stories were written between 1954 – «Adrian», the first – and 1997 – «Lectura al atardecer» the last –. The constants opened in them can be considered as keys to the poetics of Rivera Martinez, to short stories that take place in the Andean world, in Lima or in other places with Amazonian reminiscences


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Hogyan kell idézni

Pérez Esain, C. „La reformulación fantástica Del Espacio Realista En Tres Cuentos De Edgardo Rivera Martínez: “Adrián”, “Una Flor En La Plaza De La Buena muerte” Y “Lectura Al atardecer””. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 8, 2015. október, doi:10.24029/lejana.2015.8.87.

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