The Short Novel and the Shapes of the Memory: Diario del dolor by María Luisa Puga




memory, narration, fragmentation, fractals, reader


In this essay, I analyze the short novel called Diario del dolor [Pain Diary] (2004), by María Luisa Puga, Mexican author from the seventies who refers the reader to her own life interwoven with fiction. The essay axis revises the structure of the diary and the use of the autobiographic, in the forms which memory adheres privileged matter from the aesthetic thought in all of his work. Diario del dolor is written in agony and it is a tribute to the consciousness of the act of writing, the body, and the writer´s figure. The character Pain is humanized through the voice which narrates and her memory. Therefore, the physically ill/disabled body transmutes into the textual body in harmony, evoking reflections between dark and light. Moreover, the construction of the short novel and the editorial project, which is structured in small short stories, unites the narration through fragmentations and fractals, recreating images between order and chaos. Memories are followed in the enunciation, and the memory rewriting is based on the “notebooks” that accompanied her literary life as an author/reader/person to integrate metafiction, intertextuality and irony.


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García Argüelles, E. L. „The Short Novel and the Shapes of the Memory: Diario Del Dolor by María Luisa Puga”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 13, 2020. február, o. 177-91, doi:10.24029/lejana.2020.13.441.