Structure and Enunciation in the Modern Short Novel




structure, enunciation, letters, diary, fragment


This article presents and discusses that in the modern short novel there is an analogical structure while its narrative enunciation is ironic, a circumstance that causes a tension between these components of the text. In the modern novels in which the epistolary, the diary and the fragmentation are used, the analogical structure begins to retract before the intensity increases that second part of the double aesthetic effect that in this literary form Judith Leibowitz discussed. With the presence of fragmentation, the analogical structure will end up giving way to the predominance of ironic narrative enunciation. In particular, for the modern short novels of the 20th century and so far in the 21st, the fragmentary structure that may exist in them also corresponds to the dialogue of the letters with the development of the world of represented image, especially in painting and cinema, artistic disciplines so precisely in dialogue with cubism.


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Cardona-López, J. „Structure and Enunciation in the Modern Short Novel”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 13, 2020. február, o. 109-1, doi:10.24029/lejana.2020.13.435.