Nadie los vio salir, by Eduardo Antonio Parra: the Short Novel of a Storyteller




contemporary Mexican literature, border, short novel


Since the recovery of a series of constant thematics that merge in the constitution of the boundary between Mexico and the United States, this essay focuses at the analysis of the short novel Nadie los vio salir (2001), by Eduardo Antonio Parra, to establish some of the border struggles inserted in this story, by which the influence that has the work of Juan Rulfo has exerted on this author as on other writers of his generation. In parallel, from the notion of mythos, specifically the union to made by Eros and Thanatos, the following pages try to establish a link with the historical-philosophical discourse, which is revealed underground in the narration of this brief short novel.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Velasco, R. „Nadie Los Vio Salir, by Eduardo Antonio Parra: The Short Novel of a Storyteller”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 13, 2020. február, o. 25-36, doi:10.24029/lejana.2020.13.427.