



short fiction, titles, genres, literary conventions, paratext


This article studies four forms of titling short stories or minifictions: titles with a generic mention, apocryphal titles, titles that cover the entire text without an apparent story, and narrative titles. This review shows that this first paratext can be core or essential in the development of the discourse. Although every literary work attaches importance to its title, in short fictions this relationship intensifies, the titles are not external resources or mere formality, but instead they affect the message of the entire text. Within the conceptual framework, short fiction is understood as a literary text whose narration can be explicit or implicit, therefore, the examples that will be used vary between conventional stories and extreme brevity that only leaves minimal traces of the storytelling tradition.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Vizcaíno Mosqueda, L. E. „WAYS TO TITLE SHORT FICTIONS”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 15, 2022. február, o. 76-88, doi:10.24029/lejana.2022.15.3555.