Ritos de paso, ritos de iniciación: Los niños tontos de Ana María Matute





Matute, initiation, rites of passage, ellipsis, death


The following essay aims at analyzing the short story collection Los niños tontos (1956) written by Ana María Matute, focusing particularly on the initiation rites as main motifs of the pieces. The theoretical basis – Arnold van Gennep’s antropological approach to the rites of passage – will briefly be presented. By examining the preliminal and liminal rites that appear in the short stories of the volume we understand why social reintegration becomes questionable and leads to Matute’s harsh criticism. We also deal with the semantic complexity of the stories, the recurring motifs, as well as focalization which all contribute to creating numerous ellipses.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Báder, P. „Ritos De Paso, Ritos De iniciación: Los niños Tontos De Ana María Matute”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 3, 2011. október, doi:10.24029/lejana.2011.3.33.

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