Projection and Description of Spaces from the Enclosure

A Productive Enclosure in Juan Carlos Onetti's La Vida Breve




enclosure, description, split senses, splitting of spaces, Juan Carlos Onetti


In shaping the time and space of a literary work, the position of the descriptor is of great importance. By having an isolated descriptor, without any visual access to the material to be described, we are lead to numerous procedures related to forms of showing the adjacent space. Some of these forms strengthen the description through other senses or imagination, what leads to the splitting of said spaces to different versions of themselves, questioning the reliability of the description as well as blurring the line between fiction and reality. In order to explain and prove the above statement, this work will examine Juan Carlos Onetti’s use of description from enclosed spaces through the incipit of his novel La vida breve.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Zombory, G. „Projection and Description of Spaces from the Enclosure: A Productive Enclosure in Juan Carlos Onetti’s La Vida Breve”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 11, 2018. október, o. 83-93, doi:10.24029/lejana.2018.11.258.