


Flash fiction, El dinosaurio, Bourdieu, Monterroso, personal papers


This article analyzes the creative context of Augusto Monterroso’s flash fiction “El dinosaurio”. Living in the middle of the 20th century, a time of great formal and technical experimentation, Monterroso was drawn to new genders as flash fiction, hybrid genres and a new type of fable. It was then he wrote “El dinosaurio”. At the end of his life, however, flash fiction became a trendy and popular literary genre, and Monterroso one of its founders. We study this change—flash fiction as an avant-garde practice to a popular one—, specifically by Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of “erosion of the effect of rupture” and the “banalization” of the acclaimed literary work.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Lámbarry, A. „AUGUSTO MONTERROSO AND THE FLASH FICTION, FROM RUPTURE TO BANALIZATION”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 15, 2022. február, o. 53-64, doi:10.24029/lejana.2022.15.2516.