Borges y las loterías de la postmodernidad


  • Raúl Bueno Dartmouth College / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos



borges, modernism, postmodernism, abductive logic, dispersion, relativism, uncertainty, de-rationalization, arbitrariness


This essay argues that Borges not only foresaw the postmodern culture, but also produced a narrative examination and even a harsh critique of it. This attitude situates Borges outside the postmodern system. Because of that, he should not be considered neither a precursor nor a member of postmodernism. To prove this reasoning the article makes usage of the abducting method and compares the short story "The ottery of Babylon" with those categories commonly assigned to postmodernism.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Bueno, R. „Borges Y Las loterías De La Postmodernidad”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, köt. 1, sz. 1, 2017. január, doi:10.24029/lejana.2010.1.14.

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