"El señor Perdurabo" de Alberto Chimal: una poética de la persistencia





Alberto Chimal, autobiography, self-figuration


Mexican writer Alberto Chimal finds in creative imagination a possibility of restitution of man with his voice and his world, in the context of a generational spirit of disenchantment. This restitution, however, is not given in the way of a happy communion, but a struggle, a gesture of persistence and resistance. If this is the gesture that holds the literary exercise of Alberto Chimal, “Mr. Perdurabo” (2011) is the text where these premises find a space of symbolic representation, under the code of autobiographical writing.


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Hogyan kell idézni

Gutiérrez Piña, C. L. „»El señor Perdurabo« De Alberto Chimal: Una poética De La Persistencia”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, sz. 9, 2016. október, doi:10.24029/lejana.2016.9.107.