Expectativas rotas/abiertas. El comentario de tres cuentos argentinos según la estética de la recepción – a la luz de los textos budistas koan





Argentine short story, reader-response criticism, horizon of change, Buddhist koan


Since the appearance of hermeneutic theories, the reception of literary texts has been given greater emphasis. In the following paper I examine three Argentine short stories (S. Ocampo’s “La red”, J. Cortázar’s “La reunión con un círculo rojo” and “Diario de un invierno en Tokio” by S. M. Bradford) and try to identify which of the reader’s primary expectations are ruined, and with what tools are the implied authors affecting the receiver’s horizon. The change in every case has an effect on the reader’s position and on the way they perceive themselves against a created (unknown) world. We can discover contrasts between the suggested models: Is there a chance to find selfidentity after disintegration? Or is there maybe (besides identification) another way to integrate the subject? Buddhist practice and its verbal tool, the koan may be a model for the answer of literary narrative.


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How to Cite

Tompa, R. “Expectativas rotas/Abiertas. El Comentario De Tres Cuentos Argentinos Según La estética De La recepción – a La Luz De Los Textos Budistas Koan”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 8, Oct. 2015, doi:10.24029/lejana.2015.8.96.