Los cuentos de Eduardo Halfon: hiperrelato y autoficción





Eduardo Halfon, short stories, autofiction, hypernarration


The short stories of Eduardo Halfon (Ciudad de Guatemala, 1971) are published in collections that can be read not only as self-sufficient texts but also in a broader picture like a medieval altarpiece. This gives his stories a texture next to a kind of very common storytelling in contemporary film and literature which is characterized by the absence of linearity, structural complexity and the proliferation of plots apparently autonomous but interwoven by hypertexts and intertextual connections forming larger narrative structures or hypernarrations. Reading some of the stories included in the book Siete minutos de desasosiego (2007), El boxeador polaco (2008) and Mañana nunca lo hablamos (2011) reveal different degrees in the creation of these non-linear hypernarrations interlinked through nuclei and narrative catalysis that give them a comprehensive sense on topics like the persistence of the Guatemalan indigenous cultures, the problem of fiction and reality in writing and on exploring alternative forms of expression of memory.


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HALFON, Eduardo (2004): El ángel literario. Barcelona, Anagrama.

HALFON, Eduardo (2007): Siete minutos de desasosiego. Bogotá, Panamericana.

HALFON, Eduardo (2008): El boxeador polaco. Valencia, Pre-textos.

HALFON, Eduardo (2011a): Mañana nunca lo hablamos. Valencia, Pre-textos.

HALFON, Eduardo (2011b): “La memoria infantil”, Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 721 (mayo 2011), pp. 21-27.

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How to Cite

Barchino, M. “Los Cuentos De Eduardo Halfon: Hiperrelato Y autoficción”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 6, Feb. 2017, doi:10.24029/lejana.2013.6.63.