Cosmovisión trascendental en La fuerza de la sangre de Cervantes




La fuerza de la sangre, Plotino, Cervantes, Neoplatonism, Exemplary novels, cosmovisión


La fuerza de la sangre is one of the most polemic works of all short narratives written by Cervantes. This is due to the counter-reformist moral implicit in its plot. On the one hand, the Christian virtues of the female main character Leocadia, especially her stoic voluntary social ostracism and her ability to forgive others, are extremely elevated in this novel. On the other hand, the main male character, Rodolfo presents radically opposite values to Leocadia´s. In fact, he is characterized by his psychotic lack of empathy and total negation of responsibility for his own acts. This study proposes a new interpretation of La fuerza de la sangre by focusing on the development of Rodolfo`s learning to observe (and thus to create) his own reality in a transcendental, virtuous and neoplatonic way.


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How to Cite

Pérez de León, V. “Cosmovisión Trascendental En La Fuerza De La Sangre De Cervantes”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 5, Jan. 2017, doi:10.24029/lejana.2012.5.54.