Love in Postmodern Times: Two Short Stories by Claudia Ulloa Donoso
Hispanic American literature, postmodernity, humor and literature, mass culture, liquid cultureAbstract
“Una de Bollywood” and “Línea” are two short stories written by Peruvian author Claudia Ulloa Donoso, part of the collection Pajarito (2018). Both stories present a sudden encounter between a woman and a strange man, key event that opens doors to change and also to otherness. This article analyses the humorous aspects, such as parody, irony and caricaturing, as well as the narrative elements of space and focalization which, on the one hand, trivialize the irruption by a foreign agent, but, on the other hand, criticize postmodern culture. To this end, these short stories by Ulloa Donoso will be analyzed in the light of Zygmunt Bauman’s interpretation of the liquid culture, and Gilles Lipovetsky’s view of the postmodern era. Additionally, some definitions by Linda Hutchon and Mieke Bal will be deployed as analytical tools. In this manner, this work proposes that both short stories make use of humor and trivialization as a means to ridicule the liquid and globalized culture where the narrative voice is mired.
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ULLOA DONOSO, Claudia (2022): Yo maté a un perro en Rumanía. México, Almadía.
- 2023-03-01 (2)
- 2023-02-27 (1)
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