The Melancholy of the Revenant in Giovanna Rivero's “De tu misma especie”




melancholy, revenant, Orpheus, essential solitude, Giovanna Rivero


“De tu misma especie”, a short story belonging to the book Para comerte mejor (2015) by the Bolivian writer Giovanna Rivero, implies the rewriting of one of the most prolific mythical heroes: Orpheus, who descends to the world of the dead, returns with the loss on his back and the upset look, which is combined with the figure of the symbolist-type melancholic poet, sunk in the mysteries of the anguish of the spirit. These symbolic and poetic structures are embodied by the suicidal character of the story, who is a rewriting of the failure that marks the “Orpheus’s gaze”, to which Maurice Blanchot refers, transporting the symbolic level of the mythical hero to the carnality of the revenant.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Piña, C. L. “The Melancholy of the Revenant in Giovanna Rivero’s ‘De Tu Misma especie’”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 16, Feb. 2023, pp. 22-31, doi:10.24029/lejana.2023.16.5103.