Los enigmas de Jacinta en Sombras suele vestir, de José Bianco


  • Luisa Suh-ching Li Providence Egyetem (Taichung, Taiwan)




Sombras suele vestir, José Bianco, ambiguity, enigma


Short novel Sombras suele vestir (1941), by Argentinan writer José Bianco (1908-1986), is a key work of the modern fantasy. Apparently, its argument is structured through the perspective of the story’s main character: Jacinta Vélez, a young prostitute. However, her real existence is surrounds by multiple vague remarks, according to a subtle game of ambiguities, so the story has constant hesitations and reconstructions of textual meaning. The reader is subjected to a series of uncertainties: when does is Jacinta a real character, or when does she acts as a supernatural being, or ghost? Is she perhaps the product of the imagination of Bernardo Stocker, a stockbroker and a Jacinta’s client? Is Jacinta alternately a real character, a ghost, and the pure fantasy of Stocker’s fevered imagination? Therefore, the existence of Jacinta is present as an enigma that the reader must resolve, and a tireless game full of ambiguities.



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How to Cite

Suh-ching Li, L. “Los Enigmas De Jacinta En Sombras Suele Vestir, De José Bianco”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 4, Jan. 2017, doi:10.24029/lejana.2012.4.44.



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