Piglia in Onetti

Reflections on the Structure of Para una tumba sin nombre





nouvelle, the mystery of storytelling, multiple structure, Ricardo Piglia, Juan Carlos Onetti


By approaching Juan Carlos Onetti’s short novel Para una tumba sin nombre through the structural model proposed for nouvelle by Ricardo Piglia, in order to examine its applicability in the analysis of the work, one can discover two clearly different, but interrelated levels of reading. It will be precisely the inconsistencies with the Piglian model in the first level what leads to discover the possibility of a second reading, thus contributing said model to decipher the structure of the here analysed short novel, revealing a system of reduplications, or maybe even infinite multiplications.


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How to Cite

Zombory, G. “Piglia in Onetti: Reflections on the Structure of Para Una Tumba Sin Nombre”. Lejana. Revista Crítica De Narrativa Breve, no. 13, Feb. 2020, pp. 101-8, doi:10.24029/lejana.2020.13.434.